HTML Attribute Reference

Jan 04, 2023
15 min read
HTML Attributes

HTML elements have attributes. These these are additional values that can be applied to the elements that configure or adjust their behavior.


Used with: <input>
The abbr Attribute specifies a short abbreviated description or alternative label for the header cell.


Used with: <input>
The accept Attribute specifies the file types accepted by the file upload control.


Used with: <form>
The accept-charset Attribute specifies the character encoding to be used for a <form> submission.


Used with: Global Attributes
The accesskey Attribute allows you to specify a keyboard shortcut to focus or activate a specific element.


Used with: <form>
The action Attribute specifies the URL where the <form> data is sent on submission.


Used with: <input>
The allow attribute specifies a permissions policy to define what permissions are available to an iframe.


Used with: <area> <img> <input>
The alt attribute specifies the alternative text to be used if the element it is representing is not displayed.


Used with: <script>
The async attribute is a boolean that determines whether the script should be fetched asynchronously.


Used with: <form> <input>
The autocomplete attribute specifies whether the browser can automatically populate <input> <form> elements.


Used with: <button> <input> <select> <textarea>
The autofocus attribute specifies whether the <element> should be auto-focused when the page document loads.


Used with: <audio> <video>
The autoplay attribute is a boolean that specifies whether the audio or video should begin to play automatically as soon as it starts to download.


Used with: <meta>
The charset attribute specifies the character encoding for the HTML document.


Used with: <input>
The checked attribute is a boolean that specifies whether the <input> control should be pre-selected.


Used with: <blockquote> <del> <ins> <q>
The cite attribute’s usage depends on its element. For instance, it could represent the URL of the source of a quotation or an URL or URL fragment pointing to the reasons for inserting or deleting text.


Used with: Global Attributes
The class global attribute specifies one or more class names for an HTML element.


Used with: <textarea>
The cols attribute specifies the maximum number of characters per line in the <textarea> element.


Used with: <td> <th>
The colspan attribute specifies the number of columns in a <table> element the <td> cell extends.


Used with: <meta>
The content attribute specifies the name for the http-equiv or name attribute, depending on which is used.


Used with: Global Attributes
The contenteditable attribute specifies whether an element should be editable by the user.


Used with: <audio> <video>
The controls attribute specifies whether to display the default browser video or audio player enabling the user to stop or start the playback, change the volume, and position seek.


Used with: <area>
The coords attribute details the coordinates of the relevant shape attribute.


Used with: <object>
The data attribute specifies the URL of the resource to display in the <object> element.


Used with: <del> <ins> <time>
The datetime attribute specifies a date, time, or both in a machine-readable format.


Used with: <track>
The default attribute, when used with the <track> element, specifies that the text track should be enabled.


Used with: <script>
The defer attribute is a boolean that determines whether a script should be fetched only after the HTML has been parsed.


Used with: Global Attributes
The dir Attribute specifies the direction of the element’s text.


Used with: <input> <textarea>
The dirname Attribute on a form control element allows the submission of the element’s directionality along with the form data.


Used with: <button> <fieldset> <input> <optgroup> <option> <select> <textarea>
The disabled Attribute is a boolean that is used to disable form controls, such as buttons, inputs, options and more.


Used with: <a> <area>
The download Attribute specifies that the target will be downloaded rather than followed. You can add an optional value specifying the name of the downloaded file.


Used with: Global Attributes
The draggable Attribute specifies whether the element can be dragged either via native browser functionality, or with the Drag and Drop API.


Used with: <form>
The enctype Attribute specifies how to encode the form on submission for method="post" HTTP methods.


Used with: <label> <output>
The for Attribute specifies the id of a form element a label is bound to, or references the id attribute of an element to be used in a calculation.


Used with: <button> <fieldset> <input> <label> <meter> <object> <output> <select> <textarea>
The form Attribute allows you to associate form elements to a form even if they are positioned outside the form element.


Used with: <button> <input>
The formaction Attribute specifies the URL that processes the information submitted by the form.


Used with: <button> <input>
The formenctype Attribute specifies the method of encoding of information sent to a server for forms with type=submit.


Used with: <button> <input>
The formmethod Attribute specifies the method of encoding of information sent to a server for forms with type=submit.


Used with: <button> <input>
The formnovalidate Attribute specifies whether to validate the form when submitted.


Used with: <button> <input>

The formtarget Attribute specifies where to display the response after submitting the form where the type="submit".

If specified, it overrides the target attribute of the <form> element.


Used with: <td> <th>
The headers Attribute allows you to assign one or more headers to a particular cell.


Used with: <canvas> <embed> <iframe> <img> <input> <object> <video>
The height Attribute specifies the height of the element in pixels.


Used with: Global Attributes
The hidden attribute is a boolean that specifies that an element is not relevant and should not be displayed by the browser.


Used with: <meter>
The high Attribute is used with a <meter> element to specify a level over which the value is considered too high.


Used with: <a> <area> <base> <link>

The href Attribute specifies an URL that the element can use. For instance:

  • <a> and <area> elements - it specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.
  • <base> elements - it sets a base URL to be used for relative URLs on a page.
  • <link> elements - it specifies the the URL of the external resource.


Used with: <a> <area> <link>
The hreflang Attribute specifies the language of the linked document. Its use is purely advisory.

http equiv

Used with: <meta>
The http equiv Attribute specifies how the element deals with cross-origin requests.


Used with: Global Attributes
The id Attribute specifies a unique identifier for an HTML element.


Used with: Global Attributes
The integrity Attribute is used with a <script> element to enable a browser (or other user agents) to verify that a fetched resource has not been manipulated.


Used with: <img>
The ismap Attribute is a boolean that specifies an image as a server-side map. This attribute is only permitted where the <img> element is a descendant of an <a> element with a href attribute.


Used with: <track>
The kind Attribute specifies the kind of text track to use with an <audio> or <video> element.


Used with: <track> <option> <optgroup>
The label Attribute specifies specifies specifies a user-readable label.


Used with: Global Attributes
The lang Attribute specifies the language of an element’s content.


Used with: <input>
The list Attribute specifies the id of the <datalist> element that contains a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element.


Used with: <img>
The loading Attribute specifies whether an image should be loaded immediately or delayed until it reaches a certain distance from the viewport.


Used with: <audio> <video>
The loop Attribute is a boolean attribute that makes an audio or video track automatically start from the beginning once it reaches the end.


Used with: <meter>
The low Attribute is used with a <meter> element to specify a level under which the value is considered too low.


Used with: <input> <meter> <progress>
The max Attribute is used to specify a maximum value.


Used with: <input> <textarea>
The maxlength Attribute specifies the maximum number of characters allowed.


Used with: <a> <area> <link> <source> <style>
The media Attribute specifies the media or device the target link is optimized for, such as mobile devices or print.


Used with: <form>
The method attribute specifies the HTTP method to use for form submission.


Used with: <input> <meter>
The min Attribute is used to specify a minimum value.


Used with: <input> <textarea>
The minlength Attribute specifies the minimum number of characters allowed.


Used with: <input> <select>
The multiple Attribute specifies that more than one value may be entered.


Used with: <video> <audio>
The muted Attribute specifies whether to start the audio or video with no sound.


Used with: <button> <fieldset> <form> <iframe> <input> <map> <meta> <object> <output> <param> <select> <textarea>
The name Attribute specifies the name of the element. It is submitted to the server along with the value as part of the form data.


Used with: <script>
The nomodule Attribute is a boolean that determines whether to execute the script in browsers that support ES2015 modules. This is used as a fallback to server alternative script should the browser not support modular JavaScript code.


Used with: <form>
The novalidate Attribute is a boolean that indicates whether the form should not be validated on submission. If the attribute is omitted, then validation is undertaken.


Used with: <details>
The open Attribute is a boolean attribute, which, if present, indicates that both the summary and detail information should be shown to the user.


Used with: <meter>
The optimum Attribute specifies the optimum or good value of a <meter> element.


Used with: <input>
The pattern Attribute specifies a regular expression that the value of the <input> element will be validated against.


Used with: <a> <area>
The ping Attribute can take a string of URLs, with a single space as the separator. When the link is clicked, a POST request will be sent to the URLs with the body ping.


Used with: <input> <textarea>
The placeholder Attribute specifies an expected value or default text that will display inside a <input> or <textarea> element. When a user starts typing, the placeholder will disappear.


Used with: <video>
The poster Attribute specifies an URL for an image to show while the video is downloading.


Used with: <audio> <video>
The preload Attribute specifies whether the browser should preload the audio or video file.


Used with: <input> <textarea>
The readonly Attribute is a boolean that specifies that the <input> or <textarea> element is read-only.


Used with: <a> <area> <form> <link>
The rel Attribute specifies the relationship between two documents.


Used with: <input> <select> <textarea>
The required Attribute is a boolean that specifies the form element is required to be completed prior to submission.


Used with: <ol>
The reversed Attribute is a boolean that specifies that the list items are in reverse order.


Used with: <textarea>
The rows Attribute specifies the number of visible lines in the <text area> element.


Used with: <td> <th>
The rowspan Attribute specifies the number of rows that the cell should span.


Used with: <iframe>
The sandbox Attribute enables a range of restrictions for the content within an iframe. It can be empty for the full set of restrictions or be a space-separated list of pre-defined values that remove those particular restrictions.


Used with: <th>
The scope Attribute specifies whether the header cell is a header for a column, row, group of rows, or groups of columns.


Used with: <option>
The selected Attribute is a boolean that indicates whether the option is the default selected when the page loads.


Used with: <area>
The shape Attribute details the shape of the hotspot areas of an area element.


Used with: <input> <select>
The size Attribute specifies the width of the element in characters.


Used with: <img> <link> <source>
The sizes Attribute specifies the image sizes between breakpoints. It is used in combination with a media condition.


Used with: <col> <colgroup>
The span Attribute specifies the number of columns that the <col> or <colgroup> element should span.


Used with: Global Attributes
The spellcheck Attribute specifies whether the element should have its spelling and grammar checked.


Used with: <audio> <embed> <iframe> <img> <input> <script> <source> <track> <video>
The src Attribute specifies the URL of an external resource.


Used with: <iframe>
The srcdoc Attribute specifies the HTML code or content to be embedded in the <iframe>.


Used with: <track>
The srclang Attribute specifies the language of the track’s text data. It is a required attribute when the kind attribute value is subtitles.


Used with: <img> <source>
The srcset Attribute specifies an URL to an image along with a width descriptor (positive integer followed by w), or a pixel density descriptor (a number followed by x). It determines the set of images the browser can choose from with each image being a different size. The width or density descriptor is based upon the image’s real size.


Used with: <ol>
The start Attribute specifies a number from which you wish an ordered list to start.


Used with: <input>
The step Attribute specifies an interval in numbers of an <input> field.


Used with: Global Attributes
The style Attribute specifies an inline CSS style for an element.


Used with: Global Attributes
The tabindex Attribute specifies that its element can be focused the order it can be tabbed when navigating.


Used with: <a> <area> <base> <form>
The target Attribute specifies how to open the linked document.


Used with: Global Attributes
The title Attribute specifies additional information about an element, commonly in the form of a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the element.


Used with: Global Attributes
The translate Attribute specifies whether the element should be translated or not when a page is localized, for example by Google Translate.


Used with: <a> <button> <embed> <input> <link> <object> <script> <source> <style>
The type Attributehints at the MIME type of the destination document. It has no effect and is purely advisory.


Used with: <img> <object>
The usemap Attribute specifies whether the image is to be used as part of an image map.


Used with: <button> <input> <li> <option> <meter> <progress> <param>
The value Attribute specifies a value to be used with its element. Usage varies depending on the element used.


Used with: <canvas> <embed> <iframe> <img> <input> <object> <video>
The width Attribute specifies the width of the element in pixels.


Used with: <textarea>
The wrap Attribute specifies whether the browser will automatically insert line breaks when text is entered into the <textarea> element.